Boundary Value Analysis
Writer : Dear Perl ! Can you put on tie with out shirt.
Perl: Ha Ha Ha ! How it can be possible.
Writer:Same is with BVA. It can not be used without EQP
Boundary value analysis is special case of Equivalence class partitioning. After performing EQP , A tester can use this approach very easily.
Reason : most of the bug are founded on boundary. Data flow in computer is based on stream concept.
So in middle there are less chances of bug. So we focuses on boundaries more.
Standardized Rule :
Minimum boundary -1
Minimum boundary
Maximum boundary
Maximum boundary+1
but for more depth of testing we can also follow alternative rule
Minimum boundary -1
Minimum boundary
Minimum Boundary+1
Maximum boundary-1
Maximum boundary
Maximum boundary+1
Note: These boundaries are based on range, after formal implementation of Equivalence.
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