Software Tesing Start point to ISTQB Certification

Testing and Tester:

Writer:-“My Dear PerL”! Have you take alcohol ever before testing? Perl-No I have never took a drop of alcohol in my life. Writer K nice but when I give you a shot of alcohol for testing than. Perl -I will take alcohol for test its taste. 
Testing is different and very responsible work. If you think as creator, it is very hard to get problems of your own creation. Generally, I have never heard the any mother say against her child in any worse case she like her bad habits also. This is same case ever with a creator. Developers like their own apps as their child if they found any minor bugs, they neglect them in most of the cases.
i.e. why when we start to test application be become static and have no relation with application and creator of application. May be developer can test it’s own application but now his way of testing should be change he should think as tester after forgetting of application with its relation for best result.
Testing is process of find out problems of application. These problems can more critical or minor but tester emphasizes over the all the problems of all type. Some time it happens that minor problem becomes critical to system.
Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results 

Basics of good tester:

  1. Plan your tests before execute the test cases.

  2. whenever a tester found a bug repeat the procedure to found that bug at least three time.

  3. A tester should use clear worlds to define the bug. There will be no ambiguity in definition of bug.

  4. Summary in report should be crisp and neat and short. I

  5. Bug report must be conduce.

  6. Bug report must emphasize over bug not, have indication to the developer. At least report must be reviewed by an expert.

  7. It is good if there will be any additional information is available in bug report.

  8. Tester must define priority, severity , version very keenly about the bug.


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