Testing Principles

Writer: "Perl"  can you explain me the  all the principle of car riding. Perl: "oh! tough question. I can explain  a number of principles but not all of car riding".

Since many years testing done in every part of life. software testing is also updated by updating it's principle. either there are many principle of software testing. we will consider basic  7 principle of software testing.

1. Testing shows presence of Defects:
 When we test a software it indicates that there will be a defect or bug, or it may have bug. but we can never say that there is no bug in software. when ever we perform testing we work hard for finding out errors and this leads to us reduce the undiscovered defects.
we can  never guarantee of bug free software after performing testing, but we guarantee that software will have less undiscovered bugs after performing the testing.

2. Exhaustive Testing is impossible:
My dear friend if i ask you to know test a system completely. it really tough task and and also time consuming. we can go for complete testing of a software but it is not feasible for business and other prospective. such it can be perform for trivial cases.
let we are testing a calculator add function the no test cases for testing for integer values may be so many that they can not be consider or perform by any body in given time.
so rather than performing exhaustive testing, we should perform testing on testing over the risk analysis or on priority basis.

3. Early Testing: .
Testing is right way  to find out the bugs. each bug can be fix while it is found and it really reduce the cost of bug fixing. some time for bug we have to make many changes in system because be develop the system over the previous built of the buggy system. that cause a lot of cost or time. to reduce this bug should be fix as it discovered and. late discovery of bug will causes for the same. i.e why early testing is so important.

4. Defect Clustering:
Defects are really hard to find when ever you find a bug there are lot of chance to find another bug in that buggy module. actually bug are generate due to a error ,that error may reflect for other code part  or functionality or else. such  more defects can be find near by a defect.

5.Pesticide Paradox:
 we perform testing over a software and do perform the same test case either they are best, but some day they will stop producing bugs. like I have tested a pay roll system and produce 5 important bug my test case te02ba. but after long this test case will not be able to produce a bug  for payroll system. it happens because developer stop the making the same bugs in new built or the same type of built.

6. Testing is Context dependent:
As we know testing can not be perform exhaustively. such it become context dependent. like for all medical system are tested in different manner in compare to general e commerce sites.

7. Absence of Error Fallacy:
User requirements and needs are more important rather that functioning and other measure of system. either u find any bug and fix that but if it is not meaningful until system does not meat the user need criteria.


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