Types of error ...
Connection errors:
Connection errors are established due to host and client connection.
following types of errors can occurs:
Parameterization errors:
Parameterization errors are occurs due to unexpected use of data properties like type, size, value, format... etc. Even though data may be correct but the type of storage or format of file containing data may produce parametrization error.
Http errors and Server errors:
300-The address is actually pointing to two multiple files and/or locations.
301-The requested page has been permanently moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location.
302-The requested page has been temporarily moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location.
303-The requested data is stored in an alternate location and the GET method will be used to retrieve the data. If the actual error is returned then this may be due to a web server misconfiguration.
304-The requested data has not been modified since the last request.
305-The requested data may only be accessed via the use of a proxy server.
307-The requested page has been moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location. Unlike Error 301 and 302 however, the server has not specified whether the move is temporary or permanent.
400-The request was denied due to a syntax error in the request.
401-Your IP address or the user name/password you entered were not correct. Your request was denied as you have no permission to access the data
402-The data is not accessible at the time. The owner of the space has not yet payed their service provider.
403-Your IP address or the user name/password you entered were not correct. Your request was denied as you have no permission to access the data. OR The server was unable to serve the data that was requested.
404-The document that has been requested either no longer exists, or has never existed on the server.
405- The method you are using to access the document is not allowed. Possible methods include:(CONNECT,DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,TRACE)
406-The client (web browser) does not accept the document format. The formats that may be specified not to accept are char set, encoding, certain file types, languages, or ranges.
407-The browser has not been authenticated on the required proxy server to access the data. This error is probably most commonly returned by content filters/parental controls.
408-The server has closed the socket due to communications between the client and server taking too long. This could be due to server load, bandwidth issues, the client being disconnected from the internet, etc.
409-Too many requests for the same file at one time. OR There is a conflict with an established software rule. (ie: you are trying to copy over a file with an older version, or you do not have permissions to delete a file) OR This could be caused by a DNS issue.
410-This is like a 404 error in that the document requested is not on the server, however this differs in that the server 'knows' that the file used to be there and 'believes' that the file may be back, so it returns 410 rather 404.
411-When trying to send a document to the server the server did not receive a Content-Length specification in the header.
412-A precondition setting required by the client or server has not been met.
413-The process is too large to process. (ie: a file you are trying to upload is too large to fit on the server, or a web page you are trying to download is too large for the server to process)
414-The URL requested is simply too long. It is most likely more than 1024, 2048, or 4096 characters in length.
415-This usually occurs if the server does not support the type of media the client is requesting. (ie: the server does not support streaming media, but streaming media is on the server and the client is attempting to access it)
416-The client request included a range for acceptable file size, however the document requested did not fit into that range.
417-The client's expect header requested certain server behaviors that the server could not perform.
500-The server encountered an error. This is most often caused by a scripting problem, a failed database access attempt, or other similar reasons
501-The method you are using to access the document can not be performed by the server.
502-The document requested resides on a 3rd party server and the original server received an error from the 3rd party server.
503-The server is overloaded or down for maintenance and due to this was unable to process the client request.
504-Most likely the client has lost connectivity (disconnected from the internet) or the client's host is having technical difficulties. This could also mean that a server that allows access to the requested server is down, having bandwidth/load issues, or otherwise unavailable.
505-The server does not support the HTTP version used by the client. (This usually occurs if the server is using an OLDER version of HTTP than the client.)
Connection errors are established due to host and client connection.
following types of errors can occurs:
- Invalid URL
- Host Not Found
- Time Out
- Connection Refused
- No Response from Web Server
- Unexpected Error
Parameterization errors:
Parameterization errors are occurs due to unexpected use of data properties like type, size, value, format... etc. Even though data may be correct but the type of storage or format of file containing data may produce parametrization error.
Http errors and Server errors:
300-The address is actually pointing to two multiple files and/or locations.
301-The requested page has been permanently moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location.
302-The requested page has been temporarily moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location.
303-The requested data is stored in an alternate location and the GET method will be used to retrieve the data. If the actual error is returned then this may be due to a web server misconfiguration.
304-The requested data has not been modified since the last request.
305-The requested data may only be accessed via the use of a proxy server.
307-The requested page has been moved. The server will automatically redirect you to the new location. Unlike Error 301 and 302 however, the server has not specified whether the move is temporary or permanent.
400-The request was denied due to a syntax error in the request.
401-Your IP address or the user name/password you entered were not correct. Your request was denied as you have no permission to access the data
402-The data is not accessible at the time. The owner of the space has not yet payed their service provider.
403-Your IP address or the user name/password you entered were not correct. Your request was denied as you have no permission to access the data. OR The server was unable to serve the data that was requested.
404-The document that has been requested either no longer exists, or has never existed on the server.
405- The method you are using to access the document is not allowed. Possible methods include:(CONNECT,DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,TRACE)
406-The client (web browser) does not accept the document format. The formats that may be specified not to accept are char set, encoding, certain file types, languages, or ranges.
407-The browser has not been authenticated on the required proxy server to access the data. This error is probably most commonly returned by content filters/parental controls.
408-The server has closed the socket due to communications between the client and server taking too long. This could be due to server load, bandwidth issues, the client being disconnected from the internet, etc.
409-Too many requests for the same file at one time. OR There is a conflict with an established software rule. (ie: you are trying to copy over a file with an older version, or you do not have permissions to delete a file) OR This could be caused by a DNS issue.
410-This is like a 404 error in that the document requested is not on the server, however this differs in that the server 'knows' that the file used to be there and 'believes' that the file may be back, so it returns 410 rather 404.
411-When trying to send a document to the server the server did not receive a Content-Length specification in the header.
412-A precondition setting required by the client or server has not been met.
413-The process is too large to process. (ie: a file you are trying to upload is too large to fit on the server, or a web page you are trying to download is too large for the server to process)
414-The URL requested is simply too long. It is most likely more than 1024, 2048, or 4096 characters in length.
415-This usually occurs if the server does not support the type of media the client is requesting. (ie: the server does not support streaming media, but streaming media is on the server and the client is attempting to access it)
416-The client request included a range for acceptable file size, however the document requested did not fit into that range.
417-The client's expect header requested certain server behaviors that the server could not perform.
500-The server encountered an error. This is most often caused by a scripting problem, a failed database access attempt, or other similar reasons
501-The method you are using to access the document can not be performed by the server.
502-The document requested resides on a 3rd party server and the original server received an error from the 3rd party server.
503-The server is overloaded or down for maintenance and due to this was unable to process the client request.
504-Most likely the client has lost connectivity (disconnected from the internet) or the client's host is having technical difficulties. This could also mean that a server that allows access to the requested server is down, having bandwidth/load issues, or otherwise unavailable.
505-The server does not support the HTTP version used by the client. (This usually occurs if the server is using an OLDER version of HTTP than the client.)
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