A portrayal of Test Plan

Test Plan:
Test plan is complete and concise description , which represents all processes of testing.
The Aim of Test Plan is to complete all test process with on time and budget with following all defined standards

How to write a test Plan:

However numerous article and documents are available for Test Plan writing. This creates a lot of deliberation in brain of manager. IEEE has defined the template for test plan to reduce this.

IEEE Test Plan template 829:

- Test plan identifier : A unique String by which the test plan may be identified and may include version information too

- Introduction :
Summary of the test plan, including type of testing, level of testing (System test plan , component test plan, unit test plan...), any references to other documents, scope of testing and so on

- Test items:
The artefacts that will be examined during the test process.

- Features to be tested:
The features or items of the specification that will be examined

- Features not to be tested:
The features or items part of the specification that will not be examined

- Approach :
Addresses how the testing will take place during an examination of AUT.

- Item pass/fail criteria:
This could be viewed as the criteria for completion of testing per this plan.

- Suspension criteria and resumption requirements:
List the criterion for pausing or resumption of testing

- Test deliverable :
The artifacts created by the testing team that will be delivered as per this plan. Examples include - test cases, test design specifications, output from tools, test reports, etc.

- Testing tasks:
The testing tasks involved, their dependencies if any, time they will take and resource requirements

- Environmental needs :
List needs such as hardware, software and other environmental requirements for Assessment process of AUT.

- Responsibilities :
List of the people responsible for the various parts of the plan.

- Staffing and training needs:
The people & skill sets needed to carry out the test activities

- Schedule :
List the schedule dates when testing will take place. Also, list all the test activities according to time and date.

- Risks and contingencies:
Identify the risks, likelihood and impact as well as possible mitigation steps

- Approvals :
Sign-off by the stakeholders, denoting agreement etc.
Key Notes.

Key Point to consider First for Preparation of Test Plan.

  • Staff day cost estimation and break down of a task by discipline.
  • Work plan strategy.
  • Schedule
  • Cost estimation( including travelling and others extra wages )
  • Personal Assignments.
  • Deliverable.
  • Communication responsibilities.
Key points to Resource Management Plan.
  • Resource Planing details
  • Data information.
The key point of care for budgeting.

  • Ability and absence of data.
  • Public and use of assets.
  • A number of internal and external issues.
  • Location
  • Training

Process for prioritising Management area.

  • Cost share opportunity for resource management process preparation
  • Public user / User conflicts
  • Economical budget
  • management responsibility.
  • Cultural and natural Resource protection
  • Existing land issue..
Remedy Plans:

Management must plan for Disasters with application . Some time risk and contingencies are properly mitigated but plan does not pay for its outcome. Since then managers have a healing option with such situations. This kind of plan always be hidden and specific. Also they must have best option for optimized result.


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