Website check points

Writer- Hey Pearl! what are you doing.?
Pearl-I am buying anew dress for party.
Writer- Have you check what  you should be ?

Every body know but time to recall again.
Have you check that:

      -Home page load time or Size of home page. The most important factor in conveying an efficient impression is load time. end user may loose interest to open the site if it is taking long load time. All pages should be kept under 40-50k in size. The homepage should be especially small and quick to download.
- Pages should be easily readable, clear and easy to understand. theme should be eye friendly and visible/It is important that the site is not too cluttered with text and images. The font size needs to be large enough to be readable and clashing colours need to be avoided.

 - Asking users to download an application or a plug-in at opening home page will always create annoyance and confusion, hence user will drive away.

 - End user love to see all the business at home page with out scrolling.  Avoid unwanted scrolling.
 - The site should be interactive and encourage user participation from the outset. There should be direct links to user required actions immediately visible on the homepage.
- The site should strive to create a feeling of wanting more in the user. The goal should be to get the user to stay as long as possible and to come back to the site again.
- Providing immediate contact details such as e-mail addresses and telephone numbers on the homepage will give the site an open feel and add a personal touch, thus increasing user confidence and trust in using the site.

 – certifications, associations seals etc.  Providing credential information is a useful way to build trust in the user.
User registration-
    Are users made to register to get into site? - Forcing users to subscribe or register on the home page before continuing will not be appreciated and may turn users away. Users will only identify themselves when they are ready.
 -Site map - Site maps are easy to understand and present a completely alternative  direct method of navigating the site to the user.

  - Always have a link  to the homepage  to ensuring that  users do not get lost and feel more secure navigating the site.

- Search  - An internal search facility provides users with a means of finding what they want on the website quickly and efficiently. help user to find  business.

- No Broken links - All links should be continuously tested to insure they are working. Broken links will frustrate users and give an unprofessional impression as well security breach.
 - Graphics/Images may not convey immediate meaning to some users so providing additional text links is important. ALT tags on images can boost ranking with some search engines Like Google.

 - Avoid Frames - The fundamental view of data on the Web is the page, which is viewed as an atomic unit. Frames split up web pages and can add confusion to the user attempting to navigate the site.


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