Domain testing

Writer: Perl can you test an air bus?

Perl: I had never ride on air bus than how?

Writer: Perl learn about air bus and learn also how to handle it in air than you can :)

Domain is about to specification. It basically a term used for defining a system. Like player has knowledge of it game and game becomes a domain for him. A shopkeeper knows how to tackle their customers. A Goldsmith can judge and also change Gold design. Blacksmith is known about quality and use of Iron. Same as An application is based on specification with boundaries that creates a domain with ranges. Testing of domain is critical part. Normally we do both type of testing Black box and white box testing. Critical thing about Domain testing is specification knowledge. These specifications make Domain of two types.
Nice Domain
Dirty Domain
Nice domain clearly defines it’s boundaries in linear manner. Specifications are clear may they have ranges from - infinity to + infinity

Dirty domains mostly are just because of misconception of specification. No proper design based on Input ranges.


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