SQL Injection Simplified
Bond: “My dear, uncooperative Domino.” Domino: “How do you know that? How do you know my friends call me Domino?” Bond: “It’s on the bracelet on your ankle.” Domino: “So, what sharp little eyes you’ve got.” Bond: “Wait ’till you get to my teeth.” During the last decade of IT security, many articles on SQL injection have been written. I am just putting effort to make it more simple and reader friendly. This article is just fully devoted to those who are new to SQL injection. SQL SQL is nothing but a language which interacts with your database to work on your data. You can store new, retrieve or modify the stored data. SQL Injection: SQL injection is a craft that sends end-user Query directly to the application database. What should we look at: We should look the page which has direct parameter like http:// Example.com/search?id=2 (query for this link should be like as : select name from users where id= '2') also we can directly identify the field from web pa...